Currently, looking up the business license of businesses is becoming easier and faster with the development of information technology. There is no need to go to the business registration office to request information, the businesses can still look up their own business licenses as well as those of other partner and competitor businesses. OTIS LAWYERS will share with readers how to look up business licenses online today.
Primary contents of a business license
The content of a business license depends on the type of business. However, typically a business license includes the following:
– Name, enterprise code, head office address and legal representative;
– Goods, services, business products, distribution;
– Scope of business activities;
– Certificate of business eligibility;
– The duration of the license;
– Other contains.
Purpose of business license lookup
What are the benefits of looking for a business license? The answer is absolutely necessary, especially in case the business is preparing to do business with another business partner. Looking up information and learning about your upcoming partners is an important thing that all businesses are very interested in and paying attention to. Basic information such as operation status, business date, establishment date, etc. will be captured by the enterprise when performing the search. From there, enterprises can evaluate and recognize the capacity and ability to perform conditional business lines of the upcoming partner.
It will be easier for the two partners to understand each other so that the decision to cooperate will become easier. Especially for contracts of great value, understanding your partner is even more important to show the credibility, suitability, and long-term cooperation ability between the two parties. Looking up partner business information through looking up the business license of that business also makes businesses feel secure when deciding to cooperate.
Way to look up business licenses online
There are many ways to look up a business license, both in person and online. However, amid the 4.0 technology era, online search is accurate and fast, saving time and travel costs. This is the most convenient method that we encourage businesses to use.
Look up business licenses on the National Business Registration Portal
Step 1: Access the national information portal on business registration by following the link
Step 2: In the search box, enter the name of the company, business, tax code or business code to search. Press Enter to see the results.
The information about the business will be displayed according to the shortened results. The contents include: business name, abbreviated business name, operation status, enterprise code, legal type, the start date of establishment, name of the legal representative, address of the head office and codes of business lines.
For the most accurate results, you should search by tax code/business number, then click on the magnifying glass icon or press Enter to display the results.
In case you only remember the name of the company but do not remember the type of business, the website will display filter information below such as business code, business name, and head office address.
Look up business licenses on the website of the General Department of Taxation
This case applies when knowing the tax code of the business to look up information
Step 1: Visit the website of the General Department of Taxation.
Step 2: Enter the tax code of the business you want to look up in the search box. Enter the confirmation code and press Lookup.
Step 3: The returned results will include: the tax code, business name, tax authority, ID card number/identification card number of the business representative, date of last change of information and operation status.
Step 4: To display more information about the business, click on the business name. The tax code storage system of the General Department of Taxation will display all information about the business that you are looking up, including: Business number, date of issue, official name, transaction name, place of management registration tax authority, head office address, place of registration for tax payment, address to receive tax notices, establishment decision (QDTL - Date of issue, decision-making agency), business license (GPKD - Date of issue, agency) issued, date of receipt of declaration), operation start date, owner/legal representative and address, name of director and chief accountant, etc.
Look up some other websites
Look up by
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Enter company information such as company name or tax code in the search box.
Step 3: Information displayed: Full name of the company, operating status, type of operation, tax code, address, phone number, legal representative, license date and operation date.
Look up by
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Enter company information such as tax code, company name and address in the search box.
Step 3: Information displayed: Full name of the company (Vietnamese and English if available), type of operation, tax code, address, phone number, owner, place of management registration, business license number, license date, the start date of process, line of business and many other details (depending on the company)
Look up using
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Enter company information such as tax code/company name/director name in the search box.
Step 3: Information displayed: Full name of the company, operating status, type of operation, tax code, address, phone number, legal representative, license date and operation date.
Through the above article, OTIS LAWYERS has guided businesses and readers on how to search online for business licenses of businesses. We hope that our sharing will help your readers' understanding of business partners. Wishing businesses a smooth and successful business cooperation. If you have any problems with legal issues, please contact us for advice and support.
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