A Vietnam visa is a document issued by a competent authority of Vietnam, allowing foreigners to enter Vietnam, and which is proof that someone is allowed to enter or exit Vietnam. So what is the current law on visas - visa for foreigners? OTIS LAWYERS would like to share with readers in the article below!
Legal basis of administrative procedures
- Law on foreigner’s entry into, exit from, transit through, and residence in Vietnam (Law No. 47/2014/QH13, dated June 16, 2014).
- Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA, dated January 5, 2015 of the Ministry of Public Security, provides for forms related to entry, exit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam
Visa symbols (Visa for foreigners in Vietnam)
Article 8, Law on foreigner’s entry into, exit from, transit through, and residence in Vietnam stipulates types of visa with the following symbols:
- NG1 - Issued to members of delegations invited by the Secretary General of Vietnam’s Communist Party, the President of Vietnam, the President of the National Assembly, and the Prime Minister.
- NG2 - issued to members of delegations invited by standing members of the Secretariat of Vietnam’s Communist Party, Deputy President of Vietnam, Deputy President of the National Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister, President of Vietnamese Fatherland Front, Executive Judge of The Supreme Court, Chief Procurator of the Supreme Procuracy, State Auditor General; members of delegations at the same levels of Ministers, Secretary Generals of Provincial Communist Authorities, President of the People’s Committees of provinces.
- NG3 - Issued to members of diplomatic missions, consular offices, representative offices of international organizations affiliated with the UN, representative offices of intergovernmental organizations and their spouses, children under 18 years of age, and housemaids during their term of office.
- NG4 – Issued to persons who come to work with diplomatic missions, consular missions, representative offices of international organizations affiliated to the UN, intergovernmental representative offices and accompanying spouses, children under 18 years of age; visitors of diplomatic missions, consular missions, representative offices of international organizations affiliated to United Nation and intergovernmental representative offices.”
- LV1 - Issued to people who come to work with units affiliated with Vietnam’s Communist Party; the National Assembly, the government, the Central Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front, the People’s Supreme Court, the People’s Supreme Procuracy, State Audit Agency, Ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies, the People’s Councils, the People’s Committees of provinces.
- LV2 - Issued to people who come to work with socio-political organizations, social organizations, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- LS – Issued to foreign lawyers practicing in Vietnam.
- DT1 - Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam and contributing capital of VND 100 billion or more or investing in business lines benefitting from investment incentives, in administrative divisions benefitting from investment incentives decided by the Government.
- DT2 - Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam and contributing capital of VND 50 billion to less than VND 100 billion or investing in business lines benefitting from investment incentives treatment decided by the Government.
- DT3 - Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam and contributing capital of VND 3 billion to less than VND 50 billion.
- DT4 - Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam and contributing capital of less than VND 3 billion.”;
- DN1 – Issued to foreigners working with other enterprises and organizations that have legal status as per the law of Vietnam
- DN2 – Issued to foreigners making entry to promote services, establish a commercial presence, or conduct other activities according to international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory
- NN1 - Issued to Managers of representative offices or projects of international organizations and foreign non-governmental organizations in Vietnam.
- NN2 - Issued to heads of representative offices, branches of foreign traders, and representative offices of other foreign economic, cultural, and professional organizations in Vietnam.
- NN3 - Issued to people who come to work with foreign non-governmental organizations, representative offices, branches of foreign traders, and representative offices of other foreign economic, cultural, and professional organizations in Vietnam.
- DH - Issued to people who come to study or serve an internship.
- HN - Issued to people who come to attend conventions or conferences.
- PV1 - Issued to journalists who have permanent residences in Vietnam.
- PV2 - Issued to journalists who come to work for a short period of time in Vietnam.
- LD1 - Issued to foreigners working in Vietnam and certified of eligibility for work permit exemption, unless otherwise specified by international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory.
- LD2 – Issued to foreigners working in Vietnam requiring a work permit.
- DL - Issued to tourists.
- TT – Issued to foreigners that are spouses or children under 18 years of age of foreigners issued with LV1, LV2, LS, DT1, DT2, DT3, NN1, NN2, DH, PV1, LD1 or LD2 visas or foreigners that are parents, spouses or children of Vietnamese citizens
- VR - Issued to people who come to visit their relatives or for other purposes.
- SQ - Issued to people in the cases mentioned in Clause 3 Article 17 of this Law.
- EV - Electronic visas
Conditions for visa issuance (Visa for foreigners in Vietnam)
Article 10 of the Law on foreigner’s entry into, exit from, transit through, and residence in Vietnam stipulates the conditions for being granted a visa, including:
- Has a passport or laissez-passer
- Invited or sponsored by agencies, organizations, or individuals in Vietnam, except for cases specified in this Law
- Not suspended from entry
- Proof of entry purposes must be provided when applying for a visa in the following cases:
- Any foreigner who comes to make invest must have papers proving the investment in Vietnam in accordance with the Law on Investment;
- Any foreigner who works as a lawyer in Vietnam must have a practice license in accordance with the Law of Lawyers;
- Any foreigner who comes to work in Vietnam must have work permits in accordance with the Labor Code;
- Any foreigner who comes to study in Vietnam must have written acceptance of a school or an educational institution in Vietnam.
Cases of visa-free entry (Visa for foreigners in Vietnam)
- The cases prescribed in international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory
- Permanent residence cards and temporary residence cards
- Entry to checkpoint economic zones, special administrative-economic units
- Unilateral visa-free entry
- Vietnamese people residing overseas who have passports or laissez-passers issued by foreign authorities, foreigners being their spouses or children; foreigners being spouses and children of Vietnamese citizens shall be granted visa-free entry as prescribed by the government
- Entering coastal economic zones decided by the Government if fully satisfying the following conditions: having international airports; having private space; having a defined geographical border separate from inland; in conformity with socio-economic development policies and not harming national defense and security, social safety and order of Vietnam
Visa duration
- The duration of SQ and EV visas do not exceed 30 days
- The duration of HN and DL visas is not longer than 03 months.
- The duration of a VR visa is not longer than 06 months.
- The duration of NG1, NG2, NG3, NG4, LV1, LV2, DT4, DN1, DN2, NN1, NN1, NN3, DH, PV1, PV2 and TT visas do not exceed 12 months
- The duration of LD1, and LD2 visas do not exceed 2 years.
- The duration of LS, DT1, and DT2 visas do not exceed 5 years.
- The duration of a DT3 visa does not exceed 3 years
When a visa is expired, a new visa shall be considered. The duration of a visa shall be at least 30 days shorter than that of a passport or international laissez-passer.
Above is the advice of OTIS LAWYERS on VISA under the law. We hope the article will be a useful reference for you.
Visa consulting service for foreigners of OTIS LAWYERS
- Consulting and answering clients' questions about the legal provisions of Visas for foreigners.
- Advice on conditions for foreigners to be issued Visas
- Guide clients to prepare necessary documents for applications
- Representing clients to carry out visa application procedures at a competent authority
OTIS LAWYERS is always proud to be a professional unit in the field of consulting for the issuance of VISA for foreigners. With a team of highly qualified lawyers, extensive experience, and dedication to clients, we believe that we will provide foreigners with the best professional services, reasonable fees, and the fastest processing time. We commit that all client information is confidential and client interests always come first.
If you have any questions, please contact OTIS LAWYERS immediately for advice and support.
Address: No. K28, Lane 68 Trung Kinh, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City.
Hotline: (+84) 987 748 111
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Website: https://otislawyers.vn/